To be present.

What does it mean?
I’m just learning.

As I go about my day, it’s easy to slip from this world—the world within the walls of my home. The world where I tidy a home and engage with little lives who depend on me as their caretaker.

It’s easy to slip instead to another world.

Where notifications beg for attention.
Where you trade in your minutes and hours of your own precious day to observe from a distance the lives of others.

Suddenly anything that demands for your attention now —the kiddo needing help, the timer beeping, the clock reminding you that lunch time is here—these all become interruptions to the false reality you are living in.

You see, I’m convinced our brains were never wired to be living well in the life placed before us while also keeping up with a world of its own - a counterfeit reality.

So which will we give up?
Which will win out?

Let’s ask each other this —which will be more worth our time?

I have many things I hope to be known for.
I am not yet the person I long to someday be.

In order to make progress in these two areas I have come to see that I will need to be present with the world happening around me.

So I will not set rules and restrictions. I will simply keep asking myself —am I present? Do my family members feel they have my full attention?

Am I more in tune with a world of information on how others are living out their day or am I occupied with living my own?

Am I ornery because I’ve been “interrupted” or have I caused an interruption from what is real and what matters most?


On servanthood.


Living in a temporary state…