On servanthood.

“Amanda, it’s like you’re a servant!”

One of our boys spoke these words right after yet another child’s request was made and promptly met.

My initial reaction—“Yes, that’s what it often feels like!” Said none too pleased.

But I couldn’t leave it there.

The world would have me think this is a negative, but I know better.

After all—haven’t we all been called to a life of servanthood?

The words of Paul come to mind — “I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls.”

What if this was my motherhood motto?

For the souls of these little lives I will—
Make yet another meal,
Meet their daily needs,
Teach them yet another math lesson,
Remind them once more to tidy their room,
Answer yet another question,
Listen to their tenth story of the day.

So, how did this mornings conversation end?

“Doesn’t Jesus tell us all to be servants?”

He responded: “Oh, yeah. I guess so!”

Don’t be fooled by the worlds negative views—if you feel like a servant today you’re right where you’re meant to be.


A thought on correction


To be present.