Are you surprised?

I thought yesterday on the verse - about not being surprised by the fiery trial, as if something strange were happening to you. (1 Peter 4:12)

I am still surprised by it.

And when it comes, I can often be found looking into the distance for when it will be over.

But as followers of Christ we were made for the fire.

He says often that He is with us there, and we are those who will walk through untouched - but still walk through.

You see, I think it can be said that if we are not living in such a way that we are daily crucifying comfort and forced to surrender ourselves and our plans, we are perhaps missing out on the majority of the Christian life.

What did He equip us for, after all?

If He has given us a such weapons that are mighty for the pulling down of strongholds He must then have intended us to live often in the heat of the battle.

And no wonder - in such a world as this - with need and opportunity at every turn for those who are willing enough.

Willing enough to live in the most rewarding way that is a stranger to well-planned and comfortable lives.

Are we living a life that daily requires the resources He has provided for us? If not, couldn’t we be left to think that just perhaps we are not living to the potential we were created for?

One can’t help but think after a thorough reading of scripture that we were made for fires, floods and battles.

To be overwhelmed enough to run to a Perfect Father and in need enough to stop looking at the things of this world to be our supply - knowing full well they are far from enough for our present need.

We ought not to be surprised by the fiery trial - we were made to walk in it.


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