The Father we don’t deserve

I open my book and find the page that has been folded slightly in the corner.

A chapter on discipline. A chapter that shows me a glimpse into the Father’s heart.

It seems to be everywhere I turn.

From my own study, to the events I attend, the words I hear from others, the circumstances I face.

I watch my almost two year old make choices each day that I know will lead to disaster and I intervene.
I watch his anger boil as he doesn’t understand why I withhold the immediate good from him.
I notice his need for connection with me and his weariness at the end of a long day.

We too, are but needy children.
We too, are but angry sinners.
We too, are prone to self-destruction.

We have such a great need for a Father who is far more loving and patient than any human could ever be.

We are in need of far more forgiveness and mercy than any human heart could muster. Yet, we are daily living with the ability to be free of shame, free of guilt. Yet we daily are living with a close companion that we sin against countless times a day.

Oh, what a wonder.

It is everywhere I turn —these reminders of His gentleness with my stubborn heart. And I am daily moved to tears by it.

How great is the mercy of my God, that He would call me friend.

And I wonder a bit. We all wake each day, with no fear of the wrath He could rightfully show us. We all wake each day with not a thought of whether or not He will love us.

Oh, may it all move us to bestow such compassion and grace on those walking beside us.

We are daily living in a reality that we could do nothing to bring upon ourselves.

We are all living in daily relationship with a God who could rightfully destroy us in a mere moment because of the ugliness of our sin.

We are all daily growing and becoming more like Him, only because of the goodness and patience He is daily pouring upon us.

I do not understand why.
I do not know why I am living so free, while still causing offense worthy of separation for eternity.

But this I do know,
The God that I serve is far more loving than I have yet understood.

He is far more gracious than I have yet wrapped my mind around.
His kindness to me is greater than I could ever imagine.
His forgiveness reaches much further than I will ever be able to see.

This is the God that calls to each of us: Come follow me.

To follow is to be like.
To follow is to do as he does.
To follow is to fight against the human response and instead to give the Jesus response.

The question to consider: Am I following or am I simply taking the reward of His suffering and failing to walk in the fellowship of His sufferings?


An extendable family


On seeing the strangers around us