On the sin of not doing

Zach was talking with me late last night…

He mentioned how he was listening to something on the sins of omission - how the things we don’t do are every bit as weighty as the sin we commit with intention.

The thoughts lingered with me as I woke this morning and made the morning cup of coffee.

I thought on how often I excuse myself - on the countless times a day that I know something good that I ought to do but I refrain or ignore - shrug my shoulders and make an excuse.

It is hard to spend time in prayer when you’re a busy mom.

It’s hard to go the extra mile with investing in my kiddos.

It is hard to do little acts of kindness that I know would make another’s day.

It is hard to speak a word of hope to a stranger - or to even go to the grocery line that is operated by a real person instead of a machine.

Oh, how gracious we are to ourselves. What tenderhearted people we would indeed be if we we extended this same grace to the world around us.

As I turn this in my mind I come to this thought -

Perhaps it is the more the fault of the countless small things we do not do that are causing the world to deteriorate instead of the wilful acts of disobedience we daily commit.

Think for a moment if every Christ-follower walked in obedience to the small promptings - the tasks we deem as “extra”. The pricks and the pressings the Holy Spirit lays on our heart all throughout the day.

We would be people devoted to daily prayer.

Immersed in the Word of God.

Intentionally loving those around us.

Actively sharing the Gospel.

Diligent in our homes and spheres of influence.

Perhaps it is the seemingly small things we fail to do every day that would change the course of this world.

Welcoming the stranger,

Putting aside our agendas and desires,

Living daily given in small moments.

All these acts are seemingly small - so small that we think it of no consequence when we do not flesh them out.

Good intentions left undone are what will keep this world spinning out of control.

This is written to my own heart first.

A mother who is still dealing with morning sickness in this pregnancy and daily feels the overwhelm of too many things to accomplish.

I assume there should be grace for me to not extend myself further than I’m comfortable.

But perhaps the truth is - there is grace enough for me to live the abundant life. There is grace enough for me to live a fulfilled life. To reach further, dig deeper, love better, live fuller.

My “grace” for myself deprives me daily of the more abundant way of living.

This is not grace - this is perhaps better called, apathy.

So I will begin today - to do the small tasks well - to follow more of the promptings.

I tremble a bit to share this with the world because it calls me to accountability - it always begins here, with me.

But this also is why I move forward to share. To welcome accountability and follow through with changes needed.

There is grace for failings but there is not grace for excusing my way out of obedience.

These are heavy words, but oh, how life-giving they can be.

Should we ever wish to be deprived of the joy and freedom of living a faithful life?


When a year’s end doesn’t bring the promised improvement.


On raising heroes + ending worry