On Influence + Counterfeits

I was tapping through stories and came across a friend asking questions that I often find myself turning over in my mind as well —what sort of culture have we created? Is it what we want? And most of all —if not, why are we playing along?

And what is this culture we speak of? A world where everyone looks within themselves and finds themselves asking, “What do I have to offer and how can I make it beautiful enough to convince the world I’m worth a follow.”

We call them the influencers and rightfully so —they often influence the products we daily use, the methods we instil in our children, the very lens we view our life through, or rather measure it up against.

Is it good? Is it healthy? Most importantly —is it leading us towards Christ?

I think about the simple line “Follow me as I follow Christ.”

Is this the influence we are under? Are we following those who are following after Christ? Do we follow them more than the words of our Creator?

We must ask ourselves —what is the way of Christ?

He became less.

He made it his very life and breath to do only what the Father would have Him do.

He yielded comfort, gave up ease, sacrificed His very body for the rescuing of others.

He did not say what brought a following. He did not speak words that would draw the crowd.

He said what was true. He did what was right. He lived for one goal alone —the glory of Christ.

And how does this fit in our world today?

Our world of branding our homes

Filtering our lives.

Staring at screens.

Dressing up to play a part in front of a crowd who is often distracted by following others instead of following Christ.

I think on a favorite quote, “The more appearance matters the more counterfeits will abound.” (Karen Swallow Prior)

Are we creating a world of counterfeits?

You see, it is easier to give time to an audience that will cheer loud for you regardless of whether or not your marriage is in a healthy place.

It is easier to create a photo that reflects a heartwarming relationship with your kiddos than to give yourself to maintaining a heartwarming relationship with those same kiddos. There may be no applause in that.

And as we edit away at the family vacation photos it’s as if we edit away all the strife, the unpleasant moments, the tension that was building as we envision the comments, the thoughts it will stir in others minds of your family life.

So here’s to a simple reminder —

may we be the ones who create beautiful homes that our families enjoy most.

may we live long and beautiful days of loving our family well even if nobody ever knows the kind deeds we did.

may we be true to what we’ve been called to regardless of it it fits with a brand or cleans up nicely in a square image.

may we share only what is true, right and helpful to the world instead of using our voice simply because it’s an option each day.

may we be the ones who are content as the keeper of the home instead of spending our time trying to mold our lives into something that fits well in an Instagram bio.

may we stop striving to niche down our lives to one simple tag line and instead embrace the chaos and mess that often comes with a life surrendered to Christ.

may we be the ones who give ourselves to following Christ because then and only then are we someone significant enough to warrant a following.

And if that be said of our lives, you can be sure —a following is the last thing we’ll give time to pursue.


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